Willtony Santino
Willtony Santino at Victoria AHAA Championships 2011 winning reserve Champion
at 2 years with Kathy leading him beautifully
Santino will be standing at stud for 2016/2017 breeding season
plus vet and agistment
for extended pedegree http://www.ahaa.org
Anchorbar Martelo |
Dacio III (imp) Mayville Lodge Letina |
Rangemore Silverado |
Mayville Lodge Janola |
Mayville Lodge Talento Manuka Mistica |
Mayvilla Lodge Jacara |
Toledo Mantico Pelique |
Castellaro Arcadia |
Mayville Lodge Arian |
Mayville Lodge Legado Mayville Lodge Estora |
Sire: Rangemore Silverado
Santino with colt Frahaven Marco
taken October middle of breeding season.